پرش به مطلب اصلی


Legend for table of features:

  • ✅ It has been implemented.
  • ⚠️ It has been implemented partially.
  • 🚧 It is being working on.
  • 🔮 It is going to be added in the future.
  • ⛔ It will never be added.
01Issue tracker🚧The simplest piece of feature that each project management tool has. You can think of an issue as a task or a ticket.
02Issue time tracker🔮Track time for each issue to see what task is draining your resources so you can respond quickly.
03Issue comment🔮Talk with your teammates about a specific task in order to obtain more information.
04Issue workflow🔮Automate some actions to be done on some tasks on specific events.
05Resource manager🔮Know your team's current status and plan with a birdseye view.
06Kanban board🚧Kanban is an essential part of modern project management toolkit.
07Gantt chart🔮Gantt is also a classic and useful view of the project status.
08Calendar view🔮Tasks but placed inside a calendar. Cool, right?
09List view🔮Another view of the project
10Message board🔮A place for team leads and managers to post public messages for all members.
11Chat🔮Chat is used for one-to-one or group chats. e.g. board members' group.
12Daily feedback🔮Check how your team members are feeling about their day and maybe make tomorrow better.
13Notification🔮Get up to speed with what has happened when you were not present.
14CRM🔮Advanced communication means meant for people out of workspaces.
15Invoice🔮Calculate invoices instantly with defining some values.
16Upgradeable UI🔮Add features to your UI if you are using them, to avoid the UI getting cluttered by extra features.
17Offline-first🔮You can use the application even if you are offline. Your data will be synced when you become online again.